Customer Testimonials

Here at GTO we pride ourselves on giving the best customer service and delivering the best F-Gas Reporting and Cylinder Management solution. You shouldn't take our word for it though, see the latest customer testimonials below:

"GTO is a revelation, FGAS Compliance is a legal requirement, GTO allows us to see our engineers work in real time, and provide our Clients tailored reports. The Cylinder Tracking feature has helped us minimise costs for lost cylinders and monthly rentals. We worked with the software developers at GTO who have been very pro active to introduce features and modifications to benefit the ease of use by our engineers. We would highly recommend GTO, and look forward to future updates and functionality." Colin Mann, Service Manager, EJM Engineered Systems Ltd


"Climate Center worked with A-Gas to understand customer requirements. As a result, GTO is a unique and fantastic new service to support the industry and assist customers with F-Gas compliance." Robert Franklin, National Development Director-Climate Centre