Collecting and returning cylinders
The GTO App Track Cylinders function allows users to:
- Collect and return cylinders using the GTO app
- Link directly to the Cylinder Fleet Manager (CFM). After a cylinder is collected or returned on a mobile device it will be displayed immediately on the CFM.
- Upload cylinder details such as product, weight, supplier etc. which results in less time wasted by engineers calling office staff to provide cylinder details
- Add different types of cylinder (product, recovery & receiver, service gases)
- Use time more efficiently
Web Portal
Cylinders added on the GTO app via the Track Cylinder function are displayed immediately in the web portal CFM allowing you to:
- Accurately track which engineer collects or returns a cylinder
- Check cylinder movements as after a cylinder is collected or returned on a mobile device it will be displayed immediately on the CFM.
- Manage your cylinder fleet
More Features
Cylinder Fleet ManagerCylinder Fleet Manager